This event is the first in a series of meetings of the Romanian LCG community, which brings together representatives of the
National Grid Infrastructure, high-energy physicists, computer scientists, site administrators, and users.
The goals of the workshop are the following:
1) To define the present status of the Romanian Tier-2 Federation in the frame of the National Grid Infrastructure, and its relations
with other grid consortia;
2) To present an overview of the activities performed at LCG-RO since its inception in 2006, of the development strategy, and
of the long-term prospects;
3) To give the grid community the opportunity for the exchange of information concerning the LCG technology and its implementation;
4) To provide a forum for sharing the experience of the advanced grid sites to the new sites;
5) To attract new centers and groups of users into the Romanian Tier-2 Federation;
6) To discuss the future of the grid development in Romania.
The workshop is supported by the National Agency for Scientific Research through the R&D project SINDEGRID - "National System
for Development and Exploitation of the LHC Computing Grid for Elementary Particle Physics".